Nexus Residential Grants
About the Grant
Nexus Residential Grants are open to all non-academic themed (i.e. non UTH-As) residences. The grant supports events, activities, and programs that bring together students and faculty/instructors in order to develop intellectual and professional relationships.

Here are some examples of potential proposals we may fund:
- A three quarter book club or discussion sequence inviting the same faculty or academic staff
- A one-day off-campus field trip with faculty or academic staff exploring a particular topic
- Faculty dinners in the dorm lounge or RF apartment/cottage
- A workshop series on a particular theme, inviting faculty and/or academic staff to speak casually with a group of students
We may not be able to completely fund all elements of every proposal as our goal is to fund as many proposals as possible. We highly encourage houses to find other sources of funding to help fund your full proposal, such as House Dues and Neighborhood Programming Funds.
This grant is not open to University Theme House-Academics. If you are UTH-A, please submit your proposals through the VPUE UTH-A Funding proposal process.
Proposal Process:
- There will be two grant cycles.
- First cycle: Proposals are due on Monday, October 21, 2024 at 11:59 pm, and results will be communicated in mid-November
- Second cycle: Proposals will be due in mid-Winter quarter. We will communicate in late Fall Quarter with the timeline for Cycle 2.
- Eligible proposals can request within the region of $1,000. Please note that we will likely not be able to fund all elements of your proposal.
- Proposal Requirements:
- The event, activity, or program must involve faculty and/or academic staff
- The event, activity, or program must focus on building the academic co-curriculum. Purely social or extracurricular proposals will not be considered
- A budget
- The experience may be opened up to students who are not just residents in the house.
- We will privilege activities and events that are incremental: that build generative opportunities for connection-making.
- A post-event report will be required upon completion of the event, activity, or program.
- Please note that VPUE funding guidelines differ from VPSA funding guidelines. Learn more about VPUE funding guidelines and restrictions (make sure you are logged into your Stanford google drive account).
- Dorms/Houses may submit more than one proposal in each grant cycle, ranking them in priority order. Please keep in mind, however, that there will be a second application cycle in winter quarter.
- October 21, 2024: Applications due via Google Forms by 11:59 pm. Late submissions will not be considered.
- Mid-November: Proposal decision and award letters sent
- Late Fall Quarter: Communication sent out about Cycle 2 of grant
- Early Winter Quarter: Cycle 2 proposals due.
Apply to the Nexus Residential Grant
If you have any questions regarding this grant, please email us.